2008년 3월 28일 금요일

WWW summary

WWW(World-wide web) is a collaboratively authored hypertext and vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines. WWW includes URI(uniform resource identifier), HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol), HTML(hypertext markup language). Because of development of WWW is necessity.

URI is adress which appears resource in internet. URI consists of protocol, scheme, urn. URL(ssu name), URN(persistent location : declare) are similar to URI . URI's existence is basic requisite. It is attached to internet protocol.

HTML is programming language that is used for making documents. It was developed to write out hypertext. It is used for font, color and shape of word, graphic, document movement. It used by framing homepage.

HTTP is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents. Network protocol is a set of rules used when computers send information across the network.
Tim berners-lee is senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science and software engineer. He is creator of WWW(world-wide web).

Tim berners-lee is creator of WWW(world-wide web). He is senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science and software engineer.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일


This week topic is Hypertext. Hypertext's principal is similar to "cut-ups".

This is "Cup-ups". First, we cut off article, script and etc. we get together and put them in the box. After shaking box, pull out them(clipped article, script and etc.). We choose something and arrange in a row. Each words is not related. But sometimes they match with other words. In this way, we find new idea.

Hypertext is tool for convenient work. Hyper text connect each information directly. Each words have each scripts. That is connected. We operate easily, moving several information.

Hypertext's merit is this. we want some information. But that information sequence far from using information. In normal text, we found that information until that information appear. The other side, in hypertext, we go and come ofter between this information and that information. We use several information at the same time. Now hypertext is understood as new forms of writing, reading and thinking.

Engelbart is inventor of hypertext. He says "Man's population and gross product are increasing at a considerable rate, but the complexity of his problems grows still faster...". This is the motivation of inventing Hypertext and other product. He gets inspiration from Bush's treatise "As we may think.". And Engelbart infinite "augmenting human intellect = better&faster comprehension+better&faster&more solutions to problems".

This week my remembering subject is "cut-ups". In unconscious, we make creative product. It's very interesting. I learn relation of "cut-ups" and hypertext. For our convenience, technology more develop. As a result, hypertext is invented.

2008년 3월 14일 금요일

"As we may think" 요약

Vannevar Bush is MIT professor, an author of "As We May Think." and inventor of "MEMEX". This is a content of "As We May Think.". Bush's contributions are two. First, engineering achivement in building a rapid prototype microfilm selector. Second, article "As we may think"
Study delivery is as important as study result. human's experience is very full, but study result is very basic. So, many product is not invented.

"MEMEX" is a kind of study delivery. "MEMEX" is an imaginary personal information system. It's sophisticated microfilm reader. This is recording, communicating and keeping all kinds of book. It's speed is very fast. And treatment is very flexible. Also "MEMEX" is possible to associative indexing. All sort of "MEMEX" is directly assorted by user's assistant. Maybe new encyclopedia is born.

"Microfilm selectors" is popular storage medium for records in 1920s and 1930s. Photoelecric microfilm selector is pioneered by Emanuel Goldberg(he called a "statistical machine", by May 1927). Emanuel Goldberg is the first Managing Director of Zeiss Ikon and Professor. He contributed a remarkable and brilliant range of insights and inventions, mostly connected with photography. At that time, punched cards very slow. so microfilm selector is invented. microfilm is indicated index codes. Thanks to the index codes, the desired record is identified and appropriate action is triggered.

Like this("memex", "microfilm selectors"), science is very useful in convenience and speed. Thanks to the science development, we look for documents that we want quickly. For example, "MEMEX" is look for documents quickly. Of course, science always haven't merits. The other side, science is harmful(genocide, war...). In consequence, we look all aspect of things that use science. We use science to some extent. Science development not have to damage human's right.