2008년 3월 28일 금요일

WWW summary

WWW(World-wide web) is a collaboratively authored hypertext and vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines. WWW includes URI(uniform resource identifier), HTTP(hypertext transfer protocol), HTML(hypertext markup language). Because of development of WWW is necessity.

URI is adress which appears resource in internet. URI consists of protocol, scheme, urn. URL(ssu name), URN(persistent location : declare) are similar to URI . URI's existence is basic requisite. It is attached to internet protocol.

HTML is programming language that is used for making documents. It was developed to write out hypertext. It is used for font, color and shape of word, graphic, document movement. It used by framing homepage.

HTTP is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents. Network protocol is a set of rules used when computers send information across the network.
Tim berners-lee is senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science and software engineer. He is creator of WWW(world-wide web).

Tim berners-lee is creator of WWW(world-wide web). He is senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science and software engineer.

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