2008년 4월 26일 토요일

human-computer interaction

History of HCI from a tools(people) : Vannevar Bush makes memex. J.C.R.Licklider makes computer networking, agents. Ivan Sutherland makes sketchpad. Doug Engelbark makes mouse, GUI, work processing, etc. Ted Nelson makes hypertext. Alan Kay makes ocject-oriented programming, laptops.

History of HCI as tools(system): Memex was made in 1945(concept). Sketchpad was made in 1963. WWW was made in 1994.
History of HCI as tools(funding)
Navy, Air Force, ARPA, DARPA, MIT, Stanford, CMU, UC, National Science Foundation, Xeroc PARC, Apple - NeXT.

Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the ways in which people means sense of their social world. This is a fairly recent sociaological perspective, founded by the American sociologist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies in Ethnomethodology." Ethnomethodology differs from other sociological perspectives in one very important respect.

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